Dental Implants

Unleash Your Confidence with Affordable Dental Implants in Turkey

Why Choose Turkey for Dental Implants?

Missing teeth can significantly impact your self-confidence, oral health, and even your ability to eat comfortably. Dental implants offer a permanent solution, but their high cost in many countries can be a barrier.

Turkey has emerged as a leading destination for dental tourism, offering high-quality dental implants at a fraction of the price compared to Europe and North America.

Comparing Dental Implants in Germany and Turkey

The average cost of a single dental implant in Germany can range from €2,500 to €4,000, while a full mouth implant restoration can reach €20,000 or even more.

In Turkey, the cost of a single dental implant typically falls between €800 and €1,500, and a full mouth implant restoration can cost as little as €5,000 to €10,000. This translates to savings of up to 70% compared to prices in Germany.

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TEMOS Certification and Turkeyana’s Germany Office

At Turkeyana, we are committed to providing exceptional care at affordable prices. We are proud to be certified by TEMOS, a globally recognized organization that ensures the highest standards in medical tourism. This certification signifies our commitment to patient safety, ethical practices, and high-quality care.

Furthermore, with our dedicated Germany office, you can benefit from:

  • Pre- and post-operative consultations and support in your native language.
  • Assistance with travel arrangements and accommodation.
  • A seamless and stress-free experience throughout your dental implant journey.

Are You a Suitable Candidate for Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a viable option for many individuals, but it’s crucial to undergo a thorough consultation with a qualified dentist to determine your suitability. Generally, good candidates for dental implants are:

  • Individuals with one or more missing teeth
  • Patients in good overall health with sufficient jawbone density
  • Individuals committed to maintaining excellent oral hygiene.
  • Non-smokers or individuals willing to quit smoking.

The Stages of Dental Implant Treatment

The dental implant process typically involves several stages:

  • Consultation and Planning: This involves a comprehensive examination, X-rays, and discussions about your treatment goals and expectations.
  • Implant Placement: During a surgical procedure, the dentist will insert the titanium implants into your jawbone.
  • Healing Period: The jawbone needs time to fuse with the implants, usually 3-6 months.
  • Abutment Placement: Once healed, the dentist will attach abutments, which act as connectors between the implants and the final restorations.
  • Crown, Bridge, or Denture Placement: Finally, the dentist will place the permanent crown, bridge, or denture on the abutments, restoring your smile and functionality.

Post-Operative Care and Maintaining Your Implants

Following your dental implant surgery, it’s crucial to follow your dentist’s instructions for proper care and healing. This includes maintaining good oral hygiene, avoiding certain foods and drinks, and attending regular follow-up appointments.

With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last for decades, providing you with a natural-looking, functional, and long-lasting solution for missing teeth.

Take the First Step Towards a Brighter Future Contact Turkeyana Today

If you’re considering dental implants and seeking an affordable, high-quality option, contact Turkeyana today. We offer free consultations and personalized treatment plans to help you achieve the smile you deserve.

Everything is to assure you that you are in safe hands…

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